found: nuc87-45632: His In depths of burning light, c1982(hdg. on OU rept.: Kellman, Tony; usage: Tony Kellman)
found: LC data base, 10/15/87(MLC hdg.: Kellman, Tony, 1955- )
found: His The Barbados duet, 1989:t..p. (Lewen Anthony Kellman, B.A., Univ. of the West Indies, 1986) leaf 162 (pseuds. Tony Kellman, Anthony Kellman)
found: Int'l Authors and Writers Who's Who, 10th ed.(Kellman, Tony, b. 4-24-58, Barbados, West Indies; he is a poet, novelist and musician)
found: Phone call LSU Student Records, 1-25-90(Confirmed date of birth 4-24-55)