found: nuc87-31343: Reitz, J.H. Historie der Wiedergebohrnen, 1982(hdg. on MCM rept.: Schrader, Hans-Jürgen; usage: Hans-Jürgen Schrader)
found: Literaturproduktion und Büchermarkt des radikalen Pietismus : Johann Henrich Reitz' "Historie der Wiedergebohrnen" und ihr geschichtlicher Kontext, 1989:title page (Hans-Jürgen Schrader)
found: Brandstetter, Alois. Landessäure : starke Stücke und schöne Geschichten, 1986:title page (Hans-Jürgen Schrader)
found: Goethe als Literatur-Figur, 2016:title page (Hans-Jürgen Schrader) book jacket (born 1943 in Bad Harzburg; retired professor of German literature at the University of Geneva, Switzerland)
found: German Wikipedia, viewed April 10, 2024(Hans-Jürgen Schrader; German scholar of literature; born March 7, 1943, in Bad Harzburg; obtained his doctorate at Göttingen in 1979; taught at Göttingen from 1970 to 1988; he was professor of German language and literature at the University of Geneva from 1988 to 2008; resides in Aïre near Geneva, Switzerland)
found: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek online catalog, viewed April 11, 2024(authorized access point: Schrader, Hans-Jürgen; other data in authority record: German Literaturwissenschaftler [scholar of literature]; born 1943; associated with the universities of Geneva and Göttingen)