found: His some aspects of the Rāmāyaṇa and the Mahābhārata, 1989:t.p. (Bibek Debroy) jkt. (Prof. at the Indian Inst. of Foreign Trade ; professional economist)
found: His Foreign trade policy changes and ... 1992:t.p. (Bibek Debroy) t.p. verso (b. 1955)
found: Barriers to inter-state trade and commerce ... 2002:t.p. (Bibek Debroy)
found: Integrating the rural poor into markets, 2004:p. facing t.p. (Bibek Debroy; dir., Rajiv Gandhi Inst. for Contemporary Studies, Rajiv Gandhi Foundation, New Delhi)
found: India health report, 2010, 2010 :t.p. Bibek Debroy) p. 4 of cover (Prof., Centre for Policy Res., New Delhi)