found: nuc88-124415: Author's Eye contact with God ... c1986(hdg. on NNUT rept.: Bethune, Ade; usage: Ade Bethune)
found: Stoughton, J. Proud donkey of Schaerbeek, c1988:t.p. (Ade Bethune) p. 1 (b. in Brussels Jan.12, 1914)
found: Meaning of the mass ... 1942:t.p. (Adé de Béthune)
found: OCLC, Feb. 21, 2001:(hdg.: De Béthune, Adelaide, 1914- ; usage: Adé de Béthune; Adé De Béthune; A. de Béthune)
found: OCLC, 2010 Mar 20(usage: Ade Bethune; variants: A. de B́́éthune; Adé de Béthune; Adélaide de Béthune; Adé Bethune)
found: St. Catherine University Library Web site. 2010 Mar 20(Ade Bethune Collection; b. in Brussels, Belgium, Jan. 14, 1914; d. in Newport, R.I., May 1, 2002; liturgical artist, writer, and consultant)
found: Wikipedia, Mar. 22, 2010(Ade Bethune (January 12, 1914-May 1, 2002) was a Catholic liturgical artist; b. Schaerbeek, Belgium; name: Adélaide de Bethune, Baroness, from a noble Belgian family who emigrated [to the US] after World War I)