found: nuc88-21647: His La mina, 1977(hdg. on AU rept.: López Salinas, Armando; usage: Armando López Salinas)
found: LC data base, 4-19-89(hdg.: López Salinas, Armando)
found: Año tras año, 2000?:t.p. (Armando López Salinas) front flap (b. 1925 in Madrid; during Franco era was correspondent for Radio España Independiente; short story writer and essayist)
found: El país WWW site, Mar. 26, 2014(in obituary dated Mar. 25, 2014: Armando López Salinas; b. 1925, Madrid; d. there at noon today as he was about to turn 90 [sic]; historic communist leader; subdirector of Mundo obrero in Madrid during the transition to democracy, and main spokesman for the PCE in Madrid)