found: nuc89-107851: His Resedaceae, 1985(hdg. on MH-A rept.: Nee, Michael; usage: Michael Nee)
found: Solanaceae IV, 1999:t.p. (M. Nee) p. 285 (Michael Nee; New York Botanical Garden)
found: Flora de la región del Parque Nacional Amboró, Bolivia, c2004-:v. 1, t.p. (Michael H. Nee)
found: Catalogo de las plantas vasculares de Bolivia, c2014:(Michael Harley Nee) title page verso (Michael Harley Nee, The New York Botanical Garden)
found: Records of St. Patrick's Church, Johnstown, N.Y, 2015:cover (Michael H. Nee; Richland Center, Wisconsin)
found: Email from Michael H. Nee, June 25, 2015(full name Michael Harley Nee; now prefers to be known as Michael H. Nee; born March 25, 1947; botanist who primarily published on the plants of the State of Veracruz, Mexico; Belize; and Bolivia; former curator in the Institute of Systematic Botany, New York Botanical Garden; also a genealogist; presently lives in Richland Center, Wisconsin)
found: OCLC search, June 26, 2015(usage: Michael Nee [predom.], Michael H. Nee, M. Nee, Michael Harley Nee. Michael Nee appears on the majority of his botany publications; Michael H. Nee appears on his works on genealogy, and several of his botany works)