found: nuc89-96520: Bibolotti, B. Moseteno vocabulary and treatises [MI] 1917(hdg. on NStBU rept.: Edward, Georg, 1869- ; usage in note: Dr. Georg Edward)
found: Bayerer, W.G. Findbuch zum Nachlass des Giessener Poeten Professor Georg Edward (1869-1969), 1991:t.p. (Professor Georg Edward, 1869-1969) p. xxii (d. July 16, 1969)
found: DB Web OPAC, Oct. 16, 2003(Edward, Georg, 1869-1969, Dt. Schriftsteller, Professor in Evanston, Ill.; full name: Geilfus, Georg Daniel Eduard August)
found: Email from OCU, Oct. 2, 2003(Ward, R.E. A Bio-bibliography of German-American writers, 1670-1970, c1985: Georg Edward; real name: Georg Eduard Geilfuss)