found: nuc89-18149: Her Yanomani, 1978(hdg. on NSbSU rept.: Andujar, Claudia; usage: Claudia Andujar)
found: LC data base, 1/23/90(hdg.: Andujar, Claudia)
found: Yanomami, la danse des images, c2007:jacket (Claudia Andujar; born 1931 in Switzerland)
found: Marcados, 2016:title page (Claudia Andujar) page 57 (maiden name: Claudia Haas; born June 12, 1931 in Neuchâtel, Switzerland to a Jewish father and a Christian mother; at a young age she moved to Oradea, Romania; her father died in a concentration camp; she and her mother escaped to Switzerland; studied the humanities and began to paint in New York; in 1955 she settled in São Paulo and became a Brazilian citizen; she then became a photographer; photojournalist for publications such as Life and Look (1960-1971); the Yanomani Indians are the subject of her work; author of several works including Bico world (1958), The Amazon (1973) and A vulnerabilidade do ser (2005) as well as the documentary Povo da lua, povo de sangre : Yanomani (1972))