found: nuc88-137236: His Janet Fish, c1987(hdg. on NSbSU rept.: Henry, Gerrit; usage: Gerrit Henry)
found: LC data base, 4/19/90(hdg.: Henry, Gerrit)
found: Jeanette Pasin Sloan, 2000:t.p. (Gerrit Henry) data sheet (b. 05-30-50)
found: N.Y. times, May 12, 2003(Gerrit Henry; art critic and poet, d. May 1 at home in Manhattan, aged 52)
found: Horowitz, Larry. Horowitz, 2000:t.p. verso (Gerit Henry, contributing editor, Arts News; reviewer, Art in America)
found: Time of the night, 2011:p. 111 (1950-2003)