- Claro Monte, Johannes de, active 15th century
- Claromontanus, Johannes, active 15th century
- Lichtenberg, Iohannes, active 15th century
- Lichtenberg, Johannes, active 15th century
- Lichtenberger, Johann, 15th cent.
- Lichtenberger, Johannes, 15th cent.
- Lichtenberger, John, active 15th century
- Liechtenberger, Johannes, active 15th century
- Lychtenberger, Johannes, active 15th century
- Peregrinus Roth, active 15th century
- Peregrinus Ruth, active 15th century
- Roth, peregrinus, active 15th century
- Ruth, peregrinus, active 15th century
- Johannes, Lichtenberger, active 15th century
- Lichtenberger, Johann, active 15th century
- Pylgrin Rüth, active 15th century
- Pylgrym Ruth, active 15th century
- Rüth, Pylgrin, active 15th century
- Ruth, Pylgrym, active 15th century
- Ruth, active 15th century
Identifies LC/NAF RWO
Identifies RWO
Birth Date
- [1425..1458]
Death Date
- [1503..1510]
Birth Place
- Lichtenberg (France)
Birth Place
- Grünbach (Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany)
Associated Language
- Latin
Field of Activity
Exact Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
Earlier Established Forms
- Lichtenberger, Johann, 15th cent.
- Lichtenberger, Johannes, 15th cent.
- found: His Pronosticatio Latina anno lxxxviij ... 1492:p. 9 (... Ioha[n]ni Lychtenberger) p. 71 (... per peregrinu[m] Ruth)
- found: LC data base, 5-24-91(hdg.: Lichtenberger, Johann, 15th cent.)
- found: Franck, Jakob. "Lichtenberger, Johannes," in Allgemeine deutsche Biographie, v. 18 (1883), pages 538-542, viewed online, February 28, 2019(Lichtenberger, Johann (Claromontanus or de Claro Monte); astrologer in 2nd half of 15th cent.; b. in Lichtenberg (whence his name) in Alsatian Amt Ingweiler; dates of birth and death unknown; called himself also by the mystical name Peregrinus Ruth or Roth) - https://www.deutsche-biographie.de/pnd104247843.html#adbcontent
- found: NUC pre-1956(hdg.: Lichtenberger, Johann, 15th cent.; usage: Johannes Liechtenberger, John Lichtenberger)
- found: Hain, Ludwig. Repertorium bibliographicum, 1826-1838v. 2, pt. 1, pages 260-262 (Lichtenberg, Iohannes; Lichtenberg, Johannes)
- found: Goff(Lichtenberger, Johannes)
- found: Lichtenberger, Johannes. Pronosticatio zu theutsch, 1488:leaf H3r ("Gegeben ... im Iar Mcccclvvvviij am ersten Tage des Apprilis durch dem Pylgrin Rüth der in Welden verborgen lyt, des Augen syn důnckel worde[n], der Griffel tsiddert vonn Alter ...") leaf a5r (in a prayer: "... dü wullest ... dynen Knecht Růth ...")
- found: Lichtenberger, Johannes. Prenosticatio zu tüetsch, 1497 :leaf i8v ("Geben ... im Iar Mcccclvvvviij am ersten Tag des Aprilis durch den Pylgrym Ruth ...") leaf a8v (in a prayer: "... du wellest ... dyne[n] Knecht Růth ...")
- found: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, February 28, 2019(Lichtenberger, Johannes; life dates: 1440-1503 (variant birth years 1458, 1425; variant death year 1510); list of 34 variant names; gender: male; German astrologer, court astrologer of Emperor Frederick III)
- found: "Lichtenberger, Johannes," in Repertorium "Geschichtsquellen des deutschen Mittelalters," last revised 06-09-2012, consulted online, February 28, 2019(Lichtenberger, Johannes; born approximately 1440 in Grünbach (Palatinate), died 1503; mathematician and astrologer; for a time at the court of Emperor Frederick III) - http://www.geschichtsquellen.de/repPers_104247843.html
Instance Of
Scheme Membership(s)
Collection Membership(s)
Change Notes
- 1991-05-24: new
- 2019-03-01: revised
Alternate Formats