found: His Venceslas, 1990:t.p. (Jean Rotrou)
found: Cioranescu, A. Bibl. de la litt. franç. du dix-sept. s., 1966(Rotrou, Jean; bapt. 08-21-1609; buried 1650)
found: Grand dic. enc. Larousse, c1982-c1985(Rotrou, Jean de; b. 1609; d. 1650)
found: Dict. des litt. de langue française(Cinq auteurs; name used by an association of five French dramatists assembled by Richelieu: Rotrou, L'Estoile, Corneille, Boisrobert, and Colletet; wrote three works together, which were performed 1635-1637, before disbanding)