Fuller Name
- Moritz Gerhard von
- Breuning, Gerhard von, b. 1813
- Breuning, Moritz Gerhard von, 1813-1892
- Von Breuning, Gerhard, 1813-1892
Identifies LC/NAF RWO
Identifies RWO
Birth Date
- 1813-08-28
Death Date
- 1892-05-06
Birth Place
- Vienna, Austria
Exact Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
Earlier Established Forms
- Breuning, Gerhard von, b. 1813
- found: His Memories of Beethoven, 1992:CIP t.p. (Gerhard von Breuning) galley (b. in Vienna Aug. 28, 1813)
- found: OCLC database, 3/11/93(hdgs.: Breuning, Gerhard von, b. 1813; Breuning, Gerhard von, 1813-1892; usage: Gerhard von Breuning)
- found: LCCN 42011093: Aus dem Schwarzspanierhause, 1874(hdg.: Breuning, Gerhard von, 1813-1892; full name: Moritz Gerhard von Breuning)
- found: Beethoven and his world, 2001(Breuning, Gerhard von; died May 6, 1892, Vienna; physician who wrote a memoir of his association with Beethoven)
LC Classification
- ML423.B8
Instance Of
Scheme Membership(s)
Collection Membership(s)
Change Notes
- 1991-11-15: new
- 2013-04-11: revised
Alternate Formats