found: Scattered hegemonies : postmodernity and transnational feminist practices, 1994:CIP title page (Caren Kaplan)
found: Phone call to publisher, May 21, 1993(Caren Kaplan; born June 19, 1955)
found: Introduction to women's studies, 2006:title page (Caren Kaplan) page v (associate professor, Women and Gender Studies; chair of the Ph. D. program in cultural studies, University of California, Davis; Ph. D. from the University of California, Santa Cruz)
found: The poetics of displacement : exile, immigration, and travel in contemporary autobiographical writing, 1987:title page (Caren Kaplan) added title page (Caren Jane Kaplan; submitted this work as her doctoral thesis to the University of California, Santa Cruz, in 1987)
found: University of California, Davis, Department of Cinema and Digital Media website, viewed September 17, 2020:link to Affiliated Faculty page (Caren Kaplan; Professor of American Studies; Ph. D. from the University of California, Santa Cruz; author of Scattered hegemonies) -