Carpenter, Thelma (Vocalist)
Identifies LC/NAF RWO
Identifies RWO
Exact Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
found: Spirituals [SR] 195-?:label (Thelma Carpenter)
found: Notes, June 1998:p. 875 (Carpenter, Thelma; d. May 15, 1997, at 77, New York; American big-band singer)
found: Mapp, E. Dir. of Blacks in the performing arts, 1990(Carpenter, Thelma; b. Jan. 15, 1922, Brooklyn, NY; singer)
notfound: Int. ww in mus., v. 2, pop. mus., 1st ed.;Guinness enc. of pop. mus., 2nd ed.;New Grove dict. of jazz;Variety's ww in show business, 1989;Southern, E. Bio. dict. of Afro-Amer. and African musicians;Walker, L. Big band almanac;Kinkle, R.D. The complete enc. of popular music and jazz, 1900-1950 (no birthdate given)
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Change Notes
1994-04-29: new
2013-03-13: revised
Alternate Formats