Identifies LC/NAF RWO
Identifies RWO
Birth Date
- 1927-11-08
Death Date
- 2012-10-12
Has Affiliation
- Affiliation Start: 1973
- Affiliation End: 1995
- Organization: Technische Hochschule Darmstadt
Birth Place
- Unterrodach (Germany)
Field of Activity
Exact Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
- found: Reflexionen zur geschichtlichen Praxis, c1993:t.p. (Helmut Fleischer) p. 313 (b. 11-8-27)
- found: BnF, catalogue général, viewed December 22, 2021(Fleischer, Helmut ; professor of philosophy at the Technical University of Darmstadt ; born 1927) - http://ark.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb12110546h
- found: Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek, viewed December 22, 2021(Fleischer, Helmut ; philosopher and historian ; born 1927 in Kronach (Region), died 2012) - https://d-nb.info/gnd/119148935
- found: German Wikipedia, viewed December 22, 2021(Helmut Fleischer ; born November 8, 1927 in Unterrodach, Upper Franconia, died October 12, 2012 ; was a German philosopher, social scientist and historian. From 1973 to autumn 1995 he was professor of philosophy at the Technical University of Darmstadt and made a name for himself as a Marxism researcher) - https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helmut_Fleischer_(Philosoph)
Instance Of
Scheme Membership(s)
Collection Membership(s)
Change Notes
- 1994-07-15: new
- 2022-01-05: revised
Alternate Formats