found: Mother Goose. Selections. Shakin' loose with Mother Goose, 1986:container (Tata Vega)
found: Crouch, A. The gift of Christmas [SR] p1999:container (Táta Vega)
found: Enc. of pop. mus., 3rd ed.(Vega, Tata; b. Carmen Rose Vega, Oct. 7, 1951, Queens, N.Y.)
found: Vega, Táta. Full speed ahead, p2011:disc label (Tata Vega) container (Táta Vega) insert (name spelled with the acute accent throughout; singer, percussionist, songwriter; notes she had her name legally changed from Carmen Rosa to Táta when she was 17)
found: Táta Vega WWW site, July 17, 2014(Táta Vega; spelled with an acute accent throughout)