found: A Nazi Boni, 1909-1969-1989, 1989:p. 15, etc. (d. 16 May 1969; b. 1909 or 1912)
found: Wikipedia, April 30, 2015(Nazi Boni (December 31, 1909 in Bwan, Upper Senegal and Niger - May 16, 1969 in Kokologho, Upper Volta) was a politician from Upper Volta (now Burkina Faso); In 1955 Boni founded the African Popular Movement (MPA) after a split from the Voltaic Union (UV); In 1959 he founded a new party, the Republican Party for Liberty, in opposition to the attempts to make Upper Volta a one-party state under the Voltaic Democratic Union. Boni was forced into exile in Dakar, Senegal; In 1962, Boni wrote a novel, Le Crépuscule des temps anciens (The Twilight of the Bygone Days), which explored the precolonial existence of the Bwamu people)
found: Presence africaine éditions website, May 1, 2015(Nazi Boni est né le 31/12/1909 à Bwan (province du Mouhoun))
found: Enc. of African lit., 2003:page 102 (Boni, Nazi; b. 1909, d. 1969; novelist and essayist; Nazi Boni was born at Bwan (Mouhoun) in Burkina Faso and is considered to be one of the founders of the Burkinabé literature)