- Teleki-Bolyai Library
- Teleki-Bolyai Könyvtár
- Bibliotheca Telekiana
- Bibliotheca Teleki-Bolyai
- Biblioteca Județeană Mureș. Biblioteca Teleki-Bolyai
Identifies LC/NAF RWO
Identifies RWO
Exact Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
- found: Bibliotheca Telekiana, 1994:cover (Bibliotheca Telekiana) p. 1 (the Teleki-Bolyai Library; includes vols. belonging to the Teleki libr. and to the Bolyai libr.; it was founded as a collection of the Count Sámuel Teleki de Szék, 1739-1822, and it was opened in 1802 as one of the first Hungarian public libraries) p. 3 (the Bolyai libr. was establ. in 1557; in 1962 the Teleki and the Bolyai collections were unified) p. 4 (the Teleki-Bolyai Library is a dept. of the libr. in Mureș county) p. 5 (... Bibliothecae Teleki-Bolyai)
- found: Deé Nagy Mária. A marosvásárhelyi Teleki-Bolyai Könyvtár ex librisei, 2001:t.p. (Teleki-Bolyai Könyvtár)
- found: LC data base, 08-16-96(hdg.: Biblioteca Teleki-Bolyai)
Instance Of
Scheme Membership(s)
Collection Membership(s)
Change Notes
- 1996-08-16: new
- 2004-09-03: revised
Alternate Formats