found: Repici, L. La natura e l'anima : saggi su Stratone di Lampsaco, 1988:cover p. 4 (successor of Theophrastus as head of school of Aristotle)
found: LC manual cat.(hdg.: Straton, of Lampsacus; variant: Straton von Lampsakos)
found: Libr. of Congress classification. B-BJ, Philosophy, psychology, 1996:B626.S5: Straton of Lampsacus (Strato Lampsacenus))
found: Encyc. of philosophy, c1967(Strato of Lampsacus; succeeded Theophrastus as head of Peripatetic school at Athens about 286 B.C.; d. 269 B.C.)
found: Oxford classical dict., 1970(Straton of Lampsacus)