found: Music or honesty, c2003:t.p. (Rod Smith) back cover (teaches cultural studies at Towson Univ., Md.)
found: SUNY Electronic Poetry Center, Buffalo, WWW site, 16 Sept. 2003:Rod Smith biog. pages (b. 1962, Gallipolis, Ohio)
found: Deed, 2007:ECIP t.p. (Rod Smith) data view (author of nine other books of poems; currently teaches cultural studies at Towson Univ.)
found:, Mar. 2, 2007(Rod Smith, b. 1962, Gallipolis, Ohio; author of Music or honesty (2003), Poèmes de l'araignée (2003), The good house (2001), The new mannerist tricycle (2000), Protective Immediacy (1999), The lack (1997), In memory of my theories (1996), A grammar manikan (1995), The boy poems (1994))
found: The selected letters of Robert Creeley, 2014:ECIP t.p. (Rod Smith)