found: Joplin, S. The cascades, c1974:t.p. (E.J. Stark)
found: OCLC database, Aug. 1, 2002(hdg.: Stark, E. J.)
found: Jasen, David A. Rags and ragtime, 1978:page 295 (in Appendix of other important ragtime composers: Stark, Etilmon Justus (pseudonym: Bud Manchester); born Gosport, Indiana, 1868)
found: MIssouri death certificates, 1910-1965 WWW site, Feb. 11, 2017(Etilmon J. Stark, Sr.; born March 6, 1868, Indiana; died Jan. 2, 1962. Maplewood, Mo.; retired inspector, electrical products manufacturing)