found: Godlie priuate praiers : for householders to meditate uppon, andto saye in theyr families, 1581:t.p. (London : Imprinted ... by Iohn Charlewood)
found: OCLC, Aug. 8, 2002:(hdg.: Charlewood, d. 1593; usage: Iohn Charlewood; John Charlewood; Iohn Charlewoode)
found: Biog. & geneal. master index, July 1, 2005(Charlewood, John (d1592))
found: World Biog. info. system, July 1, 2005(Charlewood, John; d. 1592; also Charlewoode; Charlwood; Cherlwood; printer)
found: Giordano Bruno: his life and thought (chapter 2) Website, July 1, 2005(John Charlewood (d. 1592))
found: Printing in England from Caxton to Barker Web site, July 1, 2005(John Charlewood; commenced business early in Mary's reign in partnership with John Tisdale, in Holborn; from 1562 to 1593 he printed continuously and issued a very large number of books)