found: Gadla ʼabuna ʼEsṭifānos zaGwindāgwindo, 1996 [2003 or 2004]:t.p. (Gwindāgwindo Dabra Garizān Māreyām gadām)
found: Mordini, "Il convento di Gunde Gundiè," Rassegna di Studi Etiopici, 1953:vol. 12, p. 29-70 (Gunde Gundiè)
found: Playne, St. George for Ethiopia, 1954:p. 86-92 (Gunda Gunde)
found: Caquot, "Les Actes d'Ezrā de Gunda-Gundē," Annales d'Éthiopie, 1961 (online), viewed on January 30, 2023vol. 4, p. 69-121 (Gunda-Gundē; Dabra Kaswā; Dabra Garizan; Kaswā) -
found: Leroy, "Recherches sur la tradition iconographique des Canons d'Eusèbe en Éthiopie," Cahiers archéologiques, 1962:vol. 12, p. 174-204 (Gunde-Gundié; Gunde-Guindié)
found: Schneider, "La bibliotheque du couvent de Gounda-Goundé," Tarik, 1963:vol. 2, p. 45-46 (Gounda-Goundé)
found: Huntingford, The land charters of Northern Ethiopia, 1965:p. 75 (Guendeguendē)
found: Taddesse Tamrat, “Some notes on the fifteenth century Stephanite “heresy” in the Ethiopian Church,” Rassegna di Studi Etiopici, 1966:vol. 22, p. 103-115 (Gunda-Gundi; Gunda Gundi)
found: Jäger and Pearce, Antiquities of North Ethiopia, 2nd ed., 1974:p. 102 (Gunda Gunda)
found: Kinefe-Rigb Zelleke, "Bibliography of the Ethiopic hagiographical traditions," Journal of Ethiopian Studies, 1975:vol. 13, p. 77 (Gärzén Maryam; Däbrä Garzén)
found: Macomber, A Catalogue of Ethiopian Manuscripts Microfilmed for the Ethiopian Manuscript Microfilm Library, Addis Ababa, and for the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library, Collegeville, 1975 (online), viewed on January 30, 2023:vol. 1, p. 6-7 (Dabra Garzēn; Garzēn) -
found: Ferenc, "Les Actes d'Isaïe de Gunda-Gundē," Annales d'Éthiopie, 1976 (online), viewed on January 30, 2023:vol. 10, p. 243-294 (Gunda-Gunde; Dabra Gêrzên; Kaswâ; Dabra Kaswâ; Dabra Garzên) -
found: Strelcyn, Catalogue des manuscrits éthiopiens de l'Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, 1976:p. 88 (Gundegundé)
found: Tesfaye, "Notes sur Gunda Gunde et d'autres couvents stéphanites dans le Tigray," Abbay, 1979:vol. 10, p. 93-100 (Gunda Gundié; Keswa; Gunda Gundé; Gunda Gundie)
found: Beylot, "Sur quelques hétérodoxes éthiopiens: Estifanos, Abakerazun, Gabra Masih, Ezra," Revue de l'histoire des religions, 1984:vol. 201/1, p. 25-36 (Dabra Garzen; Kokawa)
found: Kaplan, "The Fälasha and the Stephanite: An episode from 'Gädlä Gäbrä Mäsih'," Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 1985:vol. 48/2, p. 278-282 (Gundä Gundē)
found: Beylot, “Actes des Pères et Frères de Debra Garzen,” Annales d'Éthiopie, 1990 (online), viewed on January 30, 2023:vol. 15, p. 7-43 (Debra Garzen) -
found: Fiaccadori, "Prototipi miniate dell'Ottateuco etiopico," Bollettino de Museo Bodoniano di Parma, 1994:vol. 8, p. 69-102 (Gunda Gundê)
found: Raineri, Codices Comboniani Aethiopici, 2000:p. 18, 42, 55, 59, 136, 164, 179, 184, 193 (Gundé Gundì; Gunde Gunde; Gundè Gundo; Gundé Gundò; Gundé Gundó; Gundè-Gundó; Gundè-Gundò; Gundò-Gundò; Gundé Gundé; Gundò Gundò; Gundè Gundè; Gundì Gundì; Gundagundé)
found: Raineri, “Aethiopica Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae”, in Miscellanea Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae XI, in Studi e Testi, 2004:423, p. 645 (Gundagundiè)
found: Getatchew Haile, The Ge'ez Acts of Abba Esṭifanos of Gwendagwende, CSCO, 2006:619 (Gwendagwende; Gundagunde)
found: Schneider, "Le couvent de Käswa-Gundä Gunde: Fondation, milieu, environnement," Annales d'Éthiopie, 2011 (online), viewed on January 30, 2023:vol. 26, p. 119-127 (Käswa-Gundä Gunde; Däbrä Gärizan; Käswa; Däbrä Käswa; Gundä Gunde; Däbrä Gärzan; Gärizan; Däbrä Gärizan-Käswa) -
found: Encyclopaedia Aethiopica, 2005:vol. 2, p. 917-919 (Gundagundi; Gwendagwendi; Gwendagwendo; Däbrä Garzen; Däbrä Kaswa; Däbrä Kokäwa)