found: Modern sheep-farming, 1917:t.p. (Professor James Long; author of Elements of dairy farming, The book of the pig, etc.; formerly member of the Council and Business Cmte. of the Central Chamber of Agriculture [Great Britain])
found: OCLC database, Sept. 15, 2005(hdg.: Long, James; Long, James, agricultural writer; Long, James J., 1846-1931; usage: James Long)
found: Small holdings, 1913:t.p. (James Long)
found: The times, 3 Oct., 1931:p. 15 (obituary: Mr. James Long; well-known writer and lecturer on farming, and formerly a professor at the Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester; d. Redhill, Thursday [1 Oct., 1931] at the age of 85; James John Long)
found: Oxford journal, 25 July, 1891:p. 3 (Current agricultural topics: Mr. James Long; by whose persuasion the British Dairy Association set up its Aylesbury Dairy College; in a recent article in "The Field" under the signature "Merlin")