found: University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, School of Social Sciences, Political Studies, via WWW, March 2, 2015:staff (Joel Quirk, associate professor, political studies; before moving to South Africa, he was the Deputy Director of the Wilberforce Institute for the study of Slavery and Emancipation, University of Hull, United Kingdom; he is currently a member of the International Scientific Committee of the UNESCO Slave Route Project, where he serves as Rapporteur; research interests include slavery and abolition, human rights, transitional justice, migration and diaspora, sexual violence and gender, international law, heritage and commemoration, global history and cross-cultural exchange, Sub-Saharan African politics and history, and post-colonial theories; Ph.D. in political science and international relations from Australian National University); cv (Dr. Joel Quirk; at Univ. of the Witwatersrand since 2012; lecturer at the law school and Wilberforce Institute of the Univ. of Hull, 2011-2012; fellow there from 2007-2011; studied at Australian National Univ. from 1999-2006; awarded Ph.D. in 2007)