Fuller Name
- Seán Patrick
Identifies LC/NAF RWO
Identifies RWO
Birth Date
- 1944-06-29
Has Affiliation
- Affiliation Start: 2003
- Source: Catholic-Hierarchy, viewed Mar. 12, 2013
- Organization: Catholic Church. Archdiocese of Boston (Mass.)
Has Affiliation
- Affiliation Start: 2002
- Affiliation End: 2003
- Source: Catholic-Hierarchy, viewed Mar. 12, 2013
- Organization: Catholic Church. Diocese of Palm Beach (Fla.)
Has Affiliation
- Affiliation Start: 1992
- Affiliation End: 2002
- Source: Catholic-Hierarchy, viewed Mar. 12, 2013
- Organization: Catholic Church. Diocese of Fall River (Mass.)
Has Affiliation
- Affiliation Start: 1984
- Affiliation End: 1992
- Source: Catholic-Hierarchy, viewed Mar. 12, 2013
- Organization: Catholic Church. Diocese of Saint Thomas (V.I.)
Has Affiliation
- Affiliation Start: 1970
- Source: Catholic-Hierarchy, viewed Mar. 12, 2013
- Organization: Capuchins
Birth Place
- Lakewood, Ohio
Associated Language
- English
- Source: Catholic-Hierarchy, viewed Mar. 12, 2013
- Source: Catholic-Hierarchy, viewed Mar. 12, 2013
Exact Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
- found: Cardinal Seán's blog WWW page, Jan. 25, 2008:profile (His Eminence, Seán Patrick O'Malley, O.F.M. Cap., was born in Lakewood, Ohio June 29, 1944) - http://www.cardinalseansblog.org
- found: Archdiocese of Boston, Biography of Archbishop O'Malley WWW page, Jan. 25, 2008:(Seán Patrick Cardinal O'Malley...appointed Archbishop of Boston, July 1, 2003, installed July 30, 2003...elevated to Cardinal March 24, 2006) - http://www.rcab.org/People/cardinalOMalley.html
- found: OCLC, Jan. 25, 2008:(hdg O'Malley, Seán P.; usage Seán P. O'Malley)
Instance Of
Scheme Membership(s)
Collection Membership(s)
Change Notes
- 2008-01-25: new
- 2024-06-05: revised
Alternate Formats