The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service > LC Name Authority File (LCNAF)

Pudentiana, Saint

  • URI(s)

  • Variants

    • Potentiana, Saint
    • Prudentia, Saint
  • Identifies LC/NAF RWO

  • Identifies RWO

    • Descriptor

    • Exact Matching Concepts from Other Schemes

    • Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes

      • WikidataPudentiana Offsite linkLabel from public data source Wikidata
    • Sources

      • found: Der Schrein der heiligen Prudentia in der Propsteikirche zu Beckum, 2007:t.p. (Prudentia) p. 28 (relics translated from Rome to Beckum in 1878 by Pope Pius IX on the occasion of the visit of Bp. Johann Bernhard Brinkmann, completed in 1881)
      • found: Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche, 1963(Prudentia; saint, early Christian martyr at Rome; relics translated 1878 by Pius IX to St. Stephen parish church in Beckum)
      • found:, via WWW, May 3, 2008:"Pudentiana" (Pudentiana, also Prudentia; Roman martyr, 1st cent.; feast day, May 19th; nothing is known of her life or whether she ever lived; acc. to her Acta (8th cent.) she was martyred at age 17 with her father Pudens and sister Praxedis)
      • found:, via WWW, May 3, 2008:"Pudentiana" (Pudentiana, also Potentiana; traditional Christian saint of unknown dates; acc. to her Acta a Roman virgin, daughter of St. Pudens, friend of the Apostles, and sister of St. Praxedes; with Pius I built bapistry within the house of her father; d. at age 16, possibly martyred; while there is evidence for the life of Pudens, no direct evidence for Pudentiana)
      • found: Bibliotheca hagiographica latina antiquae et mediae aetatis, 1898-1911:p. 1017 (Pudentiana; Roman virgin, 2d cent.; feast day May 19th)
      • found: Butler's lives of the saints, 1956:"May 19th" (Pudentiana; also Potentiana; identity uncertain, though no reasonable doubt that at early date there was a Christian so named in Rome giving plot of ground subsequently connected with a church and "title", originally known as the ecclesia pudentiana or titulus pudentis, which were confused as the ecclesia Sanctae Pudentianae, and the supposed patroness was honored as a martyr)
      • found: Catholic Online, Saints & Angels web site, via WWW, May 3, 2008:"St. Pudentiana" (Pudentiana, also Potentiana; Roman virgin, daughter of St. Pudens; acc. to legend, daughter of the Roman senator named in 2nd Epistle to Timothy; as name not found in ancient martyrologies and origins unreliable, her cult was suppressed in 1969 and veneration limited to her basilica in Rome)
    • Instance Of

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    • Change Notes

      • 2008-05-03: new
      • 2013-03-25: revised
    • Alternate Formats