found: Oral history interview with Sandra Kay Yow, June 22, 2005, 2008:abstract (Kay Yow; N.C. State Univ. women's basketball coach; known as and uses form Kay Yow)
found: Wikipedia, August 14, 2008:(Header: Kay Yow; text: Sandra Kay Yow; b. March 14, 1942, Gibsonville, NC)
found: New York times WWW site, Jan. 26, 2009(in obituary published Jan. 24: Kay Yow; b. Sandra Kay Yow, Gibsonville, N.C.; d. Saturday [Jan. 24, 2009], Cary, N.C., aged 66; Hall of Fame basketball coach who became an inspiring figure while continuing to coach the North Carolina State women's team during a long battle with cancer)