United States. Army. Oregon Volunteers, 2nd
Second Oregon U.S. Volunteer Infantry
Second Oregon Infantry
Oregon Volunteer Infantry, 2nd Regiment
Oregon U.S. Volunteers, 2nd Regiment
Identifies LC/NAF RWO
Related Terms
Exact Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
found: The official records of the Oregon Volunteers in the Spanish war and Philippine insurrection, 1902:p. x (Second Oregon U.S. Volunteer Infantry; Second Oregon Infantry)
found: Oregon in the Philippines, 1899:t.p. (Second Regiment, Oregon Volunteer Infantry) p. 3 (2nd Regiment, Oregon U.S. Volunteers)
found: Historical annual, National Guard of the State of Oregon, 1939-:p. 15, etc. (on Apr. 25, 1898, the President called upon the Governor of Oregon for a regiment of volunteers; on Aug. 7, 1899, the regiment was mustered out of U.S. service) p. 212 (Oregon Volunteers; formed from selected companies of existing Oregon National Guard's First Regiment, Second Regiment; and Third Battalion [no publs. in OCLC database])
Instance Of
Scheme Membership(s)
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Change Notes
2011-11-09: new
2011-11-10: revised
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