found: Hundt, Dietmar. F. Cuvilliés d. Ä., F. Cuvilliés d. J, 1990:title page (F. Cuvilliés d. J.) page 44 (François Joseph Ludwig Cuvilliés der Jüngere; born Oct. 24, 1731, died Jan. 10, 1777; oldest son of François Cuvilliés der Ältere (1695-1768); assistant architect, construction director, draftsman and engraver for his father, studied architecture at a private school in Paris 1754/55; 1757 inducted into the engineer corps of the Bavarian Army; after the death of his father 1768 became 2nd senior court architect after Lepilliez; lived in the family home Burgstrasse 11 in Munich)
found: OCLC, Jun. 28, 2013(access point: Cuvilliés, François, 1731-1777; usage: F. de Cuvilliés fils)
found: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek online, via WWW, Jun. 28, 2013(access point: Cuvilliés, François de; other access points: Cuvilliés, François de, der Jüngere; dates: 1731-1777; born and died in Munich; architect, engraver, publisher)
found: German Wikipedia, Jun. 28, 2013:"François de Cuvilliés der Jüngere" (François de Cuvilliés der Jüngere; born October 1731 in Munich; died there Jan. 10, 1777; architect and engraver; educated his father François de Cuvilliés der Ältere; attended the Royal Academic of Architecture in Paris; 1757 received an appointment to the Electoral court in Munich; 1765 a promotion to captain; appointed 2nd senior architect upon the death of his father)
found: French Wikipedia, Jun, 28. 2013:" François Cuvilliés le Jeune" (François Cuvilliés le Jeune)
found: Wikipedia, Jun. 28, 2013:"François de Cuvilliés" ("his son François de Cuvilliés the Younger")
found: Deutsche Biographie online, via WWW, Jun. 28, 2013:"Cuvilliés, François der Jüngere Joseph Ludwig de" (access point: Cuvilliés, François der Jüngere Joseph Ludwig de; born Oct. 24, 1731 in Munich; died there Jan. 10, 1777; married Maria Cath., born von Forstner, in Munich, Aug. 24, 1767, childless; architect and engraver; named "le Capitaine" in distinction to his father; one of the leading representatives of early classicism in Munich; published "Ecóle de 'Architecture bavaroise" (1770 onward; infinished at the time of his death), which embraced not only his father's work, but his own and many Munich artists as representative of current styles)
found: LC database, accessed May 27, 2021(hdg.: Cuvilliés, François de, 1734-approximately 1805)