Nyagah, Jeremiah, 1920-2008
Fuller Name
Nyaga, Jeremiah, 1920-2008
Nyagah, Jeremiah J. M., 1920-2008
Identifies LC/NAF RWO
Identifies RWO
Exact Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
found: Makers of a nation. Jeremiah Nyagah, c2009:title screen (Jeremiah Mwaniki Nyaga) narration (Jeremiah Joseph Mwaniki Nyagah; b. Nov. 24, 1920, Embu; d. Apr. 10, 2008, Nairobi)
found: Wikipedia, Aug. 4, 2014(Jeremiah J.M. Nyagah; Kenyan politician; served in Kenya's parliament from 1958-1992; held several cabinet positions)
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Change Notes
2014-08-04: new
2018-09-29: revised
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