found: Supplements of bounded permutation groups via Project Euclid WWW site, viewed December 17, 2014(Bigelow, Stephen; article published in Journal of Symbolic Logic, Volume 63, Issue 1 (1998), p. 89-102)
found: UCSB Human Resources report of faculty employed by the university, 2013(Bigelow, Stephen; original hire date: July 1, 2001)
found: Department of Mathematics, University of California, Santa Barbara WWW site, viewed December 12, 2014(Stephen Bigelow; usage on linked personal website: Stephen Bigelow; usage on linked publications: Stephen Bigelow; area of research: low dimensional topology)
found: American Mathematical Society, Mathematics People WWW site, viewed December 17, 2014(Stephen J. Bigelow; born in September 1971 in Cambridge, England; BS and MS, University of Melbourne, 1992, 1994; PhD, University of California, Berkeley; dissertation solved a long-standing problem in the aread of braid groups)
found: University of California, Berkeley, Department of Mathematics, Math Alumnae and Alumni Listing WWW site, December 17, 2014(Stephen John Bigelow; dissertation: Homological Representations of Braid Groups, May 2000)
found: ISNI WWW site, viewed December 17, 2014(ISNI: 0000000128892766; author of articles)