found: Dans l'Griff, 2013:title frame (G. Scott MacLeod) production notes and education guide (currently candidate for a Masters in Art Education at Concordia University; also filmmaker of After the war with Hannelore, 2009)
found: Wikipedia, June 2, 2015(G. Scott MacLeod (born February 11, 1965) is a Canadian multimedia artist, musician and film director living in Montreal, Quebec)
found: MacLeod Nine Productions website, June 2, 2015:personal bio (G. Scott MacLeod; member of RAAV, Montreal Film Group, Main Film, La Raza Group; born in Red Deer, Alberta in 1965; family moved to Montreal from Cape Breton, N.S. and Alberta in 1969; educated in French and English; diplomia of collegial studies in Fine Arts at John Abbott in 1984 and BFA specialization in printmaking at Concordia University in 2003)