The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service > LC Name Authority File (LCNAF)

Bellefonds, Bernardin Gigault, marquis de, 1630-1694

  • URI(s)

  • Variants

    • Bellefond, Bernardin Gigault, marquis de, 1630-1694
    • Bellefons, Bernardin Gigault, marquis de, 1630-1694
    • Bellefont, Bernardin Gigault, marquis de, 1630-1694
    • Gigault, Bernardin, marquis de Bellefonds, 1630-1694
    • Gigault de Bellefonds, Bernardin, marquis, 1630-1694
    • Bellefond, maréchal de, 1630-1694
    • Bellefond, marquis de, 1630-1694
  • Identifies LC/NAF RWO

  • Identifies RWO

      • Exact Matching Concepts from Other Schemes

      • Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes

      • Sources

        • found: La Vallière, Louise, duchesse de. Lettres de Madame la duchesse de la Vallière, morte religieuse carmelite, 1767, via Gallica, June 19, 2015:page 27 (1st count) (Madame de La Valliere confided in M. le maréchal de Bellefond, to whom the letters published here are addressed) page 88 (2nd count) (Monsieur le marquis de Bellefond)
        • found: Portrait de Bernardin Gigault, marquis de Bellefonds, maréchal de France, en buste, approximately 1694? via Gallica, June 22, 2015(engraved legend beneath portrait: Bernardin de Gigaut, marchese de Bellefons, maresciallo di Francia, primo mastro d'hotel del Re)
        • found: Dictionnaire de biographie française, t. 5, 1951:columns 1324-1236 (Bellefonds (Bernardin Gigault de), marshal of France (appointed July 8, 1668; with his sister Judith, one of Bossuet's collaborators in his work of conversion of Mlle de La Vallière; died Dec. 5, 1694)
        • found: World Biographical Information System Online (WBIS), June 19, 2015:(Gigault de Bellefont, Bernardin, marquis; or: Bellefonds; born 1630, died 1694 (or 1696); marquis, marshal of France)
        • found: French Wikipedia, June 19, 2015(article title: "Bernardin Gigault de Bellefonds"; Bernardin Gigault, marquis de Bellefonds, seigneur de l'Île-Marie et de Gruchy; born 1630; died Dec. 4, 1694, in Vincennes; French military officer, marshal of France; member of the Gigault de Bellefonds family; military career lasting from the campaigns of the Fronde (1648-1653) to the Nine Years' War (1688-1697); appointed marshal of France by letters patent of July 8, 1668; ambassador extraordinary to England in July 1670; served for 13 years as premier maître d'hôtel du roi, until 1676; made Chevalier des Ordres du Roi on Dec. 31, 1688, and commandeur de l'ordre royal et militaire de Saint-Louis in April1693; played an important role in the retreat of Madame de La Vallière to the Carmelites)
        • found: Wikipedia, June 19, 2015(article title: "Bernardin Gigault de Bellefonds"; Bernardin Gigault de Bellefonds (1630-4 December 1694) was a French general and marshal of France)
        • found: Bibliothèque nationale de France. BnF autorités, June 19, 2015(Bellefonds, Bernardin Gigault de (1630-1694); marshal of France; variant form: Gigault de Bellefonds, Bernardin (1630-1694)
      • Instance Of

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      • Collection Membership(s)

      • Change Notes

        • 2015-06-22: new
        • 2015-06-23: revised
      • Alternate Formats