found: OCLC, November 30, 2015(access points: Perpillom, Aime; Perpillon, Aimé, 1902-; Perpillon, Aime Vincent; Perpillou; Perpillou, A.; Perpillou, A. (Aimé Vincent), 1902-; Perpillou, A.Ime V.Incent; Perpillou, A., Professeur à la Sorbonne; Perpillou, Aimé; Perpillou, Aimé (1902-1976); Perpillou, Aimé, 1902-; Perpillou, Aimé, 1902-1976; Perpillou, Aimé V.; Perpillou, Aime V.Incent; Perpillou, Aimé Vincent; Perpillou, Aimé Vincent (1902-1976); Perpillou, Aimé Vincent, 1902-; Perpillou, Aimé Vincent, 1902-1976; usages: A. Perpillou; Aimé Perpillou; Aimé Vincent Perpillou)
found: Wikipedia, March 21, 2022(Aimé Perpillou; French geographer; born 24 January 1902, Glanges, Haute-Vienne; studied at the École Normale Supérieur (ENS), rue d'Ulm, Paris, and at the time time at the Institut de Géographie, Sorbonne (University of Paris), doing research in climatology; taught maritime geography at the École Navale and the École des élèves ingénieurs mécaniciens de la Marine, in Brest, until 1939, and did studies on the coastline and sea bed around the west of Brittany, and terrain and changes in land use in the Limousin area (the basis for his doctorat d'état, 1940); in 1960 [i.e., 1940?] he moved to the Lycée Henri-IV, Paris; active with the Société de Géographie of Paris, during World War II, appointed its secretary-general in 1947 and held this position for 25 years; in 1948 he accepted the chair of economic geography at the Institut de géographie, Sorbonne, teaching there for the rest of his academic career; elected to the Académie de marine in 1958; retired in 1972 and accepted position of President of the Société de géographie; died in Paris on 12 February 1976)