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Claudius, Otto, 1794-1877

  • [Otto Carl Claudius (1794-1877) was a German composer, pianist, choir director, and church musician.] He was born 6 December 1794 in Sohland am Rotstein, wrote his first composition around 1817, and studied in Leipzig. He was chosen as cantor at Naumburg Cathedral in 1829, and also founded the Claudius-Männerchor and gave private music lessons there. In 1840, he was awarded the title of Royal Music Director. He retired in 1865, and died in Naumburg on 3 August 1877. A monument in his honor was erected in the Naumburg Bürgergarten in 1879.
  • URI(s)

  • Fuller Name

    • Otto Carl
  • Variants

    • Claudius, O., 1794-1877
    • Claudius, Otto Carl, 1794-1877
  • Identifies LC/NAF RWO

  • Exact Matching Concepts from Other Schemes

  • Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes

  • Sources

    • found: Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus. Beatus vir, 1827:title page (arranged for piano by O. Claudius)
    • found: OCLC, 27 October 2016(access points: Claudius, Otto ; Claudius, O. ; Claudius, Otto Carl; usage: Otto Claudius ; O. Claudius)
    • found: Mitteldeutsche Zeitung, via WWW, 27 October 2016(A tribute to Otto Carl Claudius, posted 21 June 2016; tribute held in Naumburg; Otto Carl Claudius (1794-1877) was a cantor, composer and choral director; also lived in Leipzig; born December 6, 1794 in Sohland in Oberlausitz; pianist and singer; died in Naumburg on 3 August 1877)
    • found: Claudius-Männerchor, via WWW, 27 October 2016(Biography of Otto Claudius; born 6 December 1794 in Sohland am Rotstein in Oberlusitz; first composition written around 1817; studied composition in Leipzig; compositions published by Breitkopf & Härtel in Leipzig and Hoffmeister & Paul in Dresden; chosen as cantor at Naumburg Cathedral in 1829; helped start a men's chorus in 1831 which is now called Claudius-Männerchor, based in Naumburg; also gave private music lessons; awarded title of Royal Music Director in 1840; retired in 1865; died in Naumburg on 3 August 1877; monument to him erected in the Bürgergarten in 1879)
  • General Notes

    • [Otto Carl Claudius (1794-1877) was a German composer, pianist, choir director, and church musician.] He was born 6 December 1794 in Sohland am Rotstein, wrote his first composition around 1817, and studied in Leipzig. He was chosen as cantor at Naumburg Cathedral in 1829, and also founded the Claudius-Männerchor and gave private music lessons there. In 1840, he was awarded the title of Royal Music Director. He retired in 1865, and died in Naumburg on 3 August 1877. A monument in his honor was erected in the Naumburg Bürgergarten in 1879.
  • Instance Of

  • Scheme Membership(s)

  • Collection Membership(s)

  • Change Notes

    • 2016-10-28: new
    • 2016-10-29: revised
  • Alternate Formats