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Vietnam (Associated State)

  • URI(s)

  • Variants

    • Vietnam (State)
    • Associated State of Vietnam
    • State of Vietnam
    • Quốc gia Việt Nam
    • État du Viêt-Nam
    • State of Viet-Nam
    • Independent State of Viet Nam
    • Việt Nam (Associated State)
  • Identifies LC/NAF RWO

  • Identifies RWO

    • Descriptor

        Associated State
    • Descriptor

    • Descriptor

        Countries (sovereign states)
    • Descriptor

    • Descriptor

    • Descriptor

        National state
    • Descriptor

    • Descriptor

    • Associated Locale

    • Associated Locale

    • Associated Locale

        Southeast Asia
    • Associated Locale

        French-speaking countries
    • Associated Locale

      • Later Established Forms

      • Related Terms

      • Exact Matching Concepts from Other Schemes

      • Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes

      • Earlier Established Forms

      • Sources

        • found: Wikipedia, October 5, 2020:State of Vietnam (The State of Vietnam (Vietnamese: Quốc gia Việt Nam; French: État du Viêt-Nam) was a member of the French Union and a country (from 21/7/1954 to 26/10/1955) that claimed authority over all of Vietnam during the First Indochina War, although large parts of its territory it claimed was actually controlled by the Democratic Republic of Vietnam of the Việt Minh. The state was created in 1949 by France and was internationally recognised in 1950. Former Emperor Bảo Đại became Chief of State. After the 1954 Geneva Agreements, the State of Vietnam had to abandon its claim to the northern part of the country to the Việt Minh. Ngô Đình Diệm was appointed prime minister the same year and--after having ousted Bảo Đại in 1955--became president of the Republic of Vietnam; On May 20, 1949, the French National Assembly approved the reunification of Cochinchina with the rest of Vietnam. The decision took effect on June 14 and the State of Vietnam was officially proclaimed on July 2. From 1949 to 1954, after reunification with Cochinchina, the State of Vietnam had partial autonomy from France as an associated state within the French Union; After the Geneva Conference of 1954, as well as becoming fully independent with its departure from the French Union, the State of Vietnam became territorially confined to those lands of Vietnam south of the 17th parallel, and as such became commonly known as Republic of Vietnam)
        • found: Britannica online, October 2, 2020(under Vietnam: The French reunited Cochinchina with the rest of Vietnam in 1949, proclaiming the Associated State of Vietnam, and appointed the former emperor Bao Dai as chief of state; Meanwhile, the Viet Minh waged an increasingly successful guerrilla war, aided after 1949 by the new communist government of China. The United States, fearful of the spread of communism in Asia, sent large amounts of aid to the French. The French, however, were shaken by the fall of their garrison at Dien Bien Phu in May 1954 and agreed to negotiate an end to the war at an international conference in Geneva. The agreements concluded in Geneva between April and July 1954 (collectively called the Geneva Accords) were signed by French and Viet Minh representatives and provided for a cease-fire and temporary division of the country into two military zones at latitude 17°N (popularly called the 17th parallel). All Viet Minh forces were to withdraw north of that line, and all French and Associated State of Vietnam troops were to remain south of it. This agreement left the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (henceforth called North Vietnam) in control of only the northern half of the country; In the south a new government appointed by Bao Dai began to build a new country. Ngo Dinh Diem, a Roman Catholic, was named prime minister and succeeded with American support in stabilizing the anticommunist regime in Saigon. He eliminated pro-French elements in the military and abolished the local autonomy of several religious-political groups. Then, in a government-controlled referendum in October 1955, Diem removed Bao Dai as chief of state and made himself president of the Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam))
        • found: Buttinger, J. The dragon embattled, 1967(In March 1949, the Elysée Agreement (between Emperor Bao Dai and French President Vincent Auriol) reconfirmed the independence of Vietnam and her status as an associated state of the French Union)
        • found: The Indochina War, 1945-1956, via WWW, October 2, 2020(In March 1949, following arduous negotiations with the former Emperor Bao Dai, an accord was reached creating the Associated State of Vietnam, followed by an accord for Laos on 19 July and another on 8 November for Cambodia doing the same; In July 1953, under burgeoning financial pressures and commitments to European defense, the Joseph Laniel government agreed to “complete” (parfaire) the independence of the Associated States and began transferring sovereignty to the three states even before the Geneva Accords affirmed the transformation of all the three Associated States into independent nations. The minister in charge of the Associated States was downgraded to state secretary in 1953 before the entire ministry disappeared for good in 1955) -
        • found: The Joint Chiefs of Staff and the First Indochina War 1947-1954, 2004:pages 30-31 (on 8 March 1949, Bao Dai and President Auriol of France reached a "compromise agreement" at the Elysee Palace in Paris. By means of an exchange of letters, a program for the future of Indochina was agreed upon: ... France recognized the independence of Vietnam within the French Union. In foreign relations, the government of Vietnam was limited in its independence by its membership in the French Union; internally, Vietnam's autonomy was confirmed, except for certain limitations in the judicial sphere; Until the French Assembly formally declared Cochin China a part of Vietnam, the Elysee Agreement was worth nothing. Therefore, on 12 March 1949, the Assembly voted to authorize the creation of a Territorial Assembly of Cochin China, the sole function of which was to vote union with Vietnam. This it did on 23 April. A month later the French Assembly ended the colonial status of Cochin China,which, henceforth, was to be "attached to the Associated State of Vietnam"; On 14 June, Bao Dai and the French High Commissioner met at a formal ceremony in Saigon to exchange letters in confirmation of the agreement. Bao Dai assumed the position of "Chief of State" of the "Independent State of Viet Nam" and General Xuan's ill-favored government resigned in favor of the new regime. Vietnam was united, but only on paper) page 35 (The United States recognized the "Associated States" of Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos on 7 February 1950) page 233 (State of Viet-Nam) -
      • Editorial Notes

        • [SUBJECT USAGE: This heading is not valid for use as a subject. Works about this place are entered under Vietnam (Republic).]
        • [URIs added to this record for the PCC URI MARC Pilot. Please do not remove or edit the URIs.]
      • Instance Of

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      • Change Notes

        • 2020-10-05: new
        • 2022-06-07: revised
      • Alternate Formats