found: His Idylly, 1829:t.p. (...Jana Negedlého)
found: Ottův slovnik naučny, 1902(Nejedlý, Jan; b. 4/23/1776; d. 12/31/1834)
found: His Lehrbuch der böhmischen Sprachen für Böhmen, 1830:t.p. (Johann Negedly)
found: Wikipedia, viewed February 24, 2025:Czech Jan Nejedlý page (Jan Nejedlý; German name: Johann Negedly; born 23 April 1776 in Žebrák; died 31 December 1834 in Prague; Czech poet, translator, editor, and publisher of books and magazins; later worked as a lawyer; brother of the priest and writer Vojtěch Nejedlý; taught Czech language and literature at Prague Unversity from 1801 until 1834; author of the Böhmische Grammatik and Praktische böhmische Grammatik für Deutsche; wrote in Czech and translated literary works into Czech) -