found: Hallmark hall of fame. Foxfire [MP] 1987:credits (music by Johnny Mandel)
found: OCLC, 8-20-90(hdg.: Mandel, John; usage: Johnny Mandel)
found: Film composers guide, c1990(Johnny Mandel; b. Nov. 23, 1935, New York, N.Y.)
found: Enc. of pop. mus., 3rd ed.(Mandel, Johnny; b. Nov. 23, 1935, New York)
found: ASCAP, 4th ed.(Mandel, Johnny Alfred; b. Nov. 23, 1925, New York, NY; composer, conductor, trumpeter)
found: Kinkle, R.D. The complete enc. of popular music and jazz, 1900-1950(Mandel, Johnny; b. Nov. 23, 1925, New York, N.Y.; trombone, trumpet, arranger, composer, bandleader)
found: U.S. copyright file, Mar. 28, 2000(Mandel, John; Mandel, John, 1925- ; Mandel, Johnny; Mandel, Johnny, 1925- )
found: Variety's ww in show business, 1989(Mandel, Johnny (John Alfred Mandel); b. Nov. 23, 1935, New York City; composer, arranger, conductor, trumpeter, trombonist)
found: Washington post WWW site, viewed June 30, 2020(in obituary dated June 30, 2020: Johnny Mandel; died June 29 at his home in Ojai, Calif. He was 94. John Alfred Mandel was born in New York City on Nov. 23, 1925)