found: Her Laure d'Estelle, 1864:t.p. (Sophie Gay)
found: Paër, F. Il maestro di cappella, 1896:t.p. (Sofia Gay)
found: Her Un mariage sous l'empire, 1813:t.p. (Mme S. Gay)
found: Her Léonie de Montbreuse, 1813:t.p. (Mme S.G.)
found: Macmillan enc. of mus.(Gay, Marie Sophie; b. 1776, Paris; d. 1852, Paris)
found: Warner, C. Biog. dict. and synopsis of books ancient and modern(Gay, Sophie (born Nichault de Lavalette); b. 7/1/1776, Paris; d. 3/5/1852, Paris; French novelist)
found: Cohen, A. Int. enc. of women composers(Gay, Sofia Maria Francesca (Marie Sophie); b. 7/1/1776, Paris; 3/5/1852, Brussels; French pianist, poetess, writer and composer)
found: LCCN 15-6839(hdg.: Gay, Sophie i.e. Marie Françoise Sophie (Nichault de Lavalette) 1776-1852)