found: Epigenes de poesia Orphica, 1702:t.p. (Poesia Orphica)
found: LC in OCLC, 8/4/95(hdg.: Orpheus. Hymni; usage: Orphic hymns)
found: Oxford classical dict.(entry under Orphic literature: a body of poems circulated in antiquity under the name of Orpheus)
found: Khimnite na OrfeÄ, c1995.
found: De hymnis Orphicis, 1891.
found: Orphei hymni, 1962.
found: English Wikipedia website, viewed Oct. 21, 2013(under Orpheus: A number of Greek religious poems in hexameters were attributed to Orpheus, as they were to similar miracle-working figures, like Bakis, Musaeus, Abaris, Aristeas, Epimenides, and the Sibyl. Of this vast literature, only two examples survived whole: a set of hymns composed at some point in the second or third century, and an Orphic Argonautica composed somewhere between the fourth and sixth centuries. Earlier Orphic literature, which may date back as far as the sixth century BC, survives only in papyrus fragments or in quotations. Some of the earliest fragments may have been composed by Onomacritus)