found: The early twentieth century, 1996:container (John Moffatt)
found: Contemporary theatre, film & television, v. 6(Moffatt, John, b. Albert John Moffatt, 9/24/1922; actor, director, playwright)
found: Guardian WWW site, Sept. 17, 2012(John Moffatt; b. Albert John Moffatt, Sept. 24, 1922, Badby, Northamptonshire; d. Sept. 10, 2012; classical actor who graced the stage with decorum and stillness)
found: Wilde, Oscar. The picture of Dorian Gray [ER], 2021? :cover image (read by John Moffatt)
found: Lovereading website, May 5, 2021 :("Penguin Classics presents Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray adapted for audio and now available as a digital download as part of the Penguin English Library series. read by the actor John Moffatt...")