found: Bowen, J.A. The conductor and the score, 1993:t.p. (José Antonio Bowen)
found: Jazz live [VR] 3/24/89:accomp. program, cover (Jose Bowen; composer)
found: Email from Barry Zazlow, Sept. 21, 2005:(Dr. Bowen is our Dean of Fine Arts [Miami of Ohio] and he writes about conducting and he is also a jazz pianist and composer)
found: Teaching naked, 2012:ECIP t.p. (José Bowen) data view (b. Mar. 11, 1962)
found: Author's website, Apr. 30, 2012curriculum vitae (José Antonio Bowen Ph. D., F.R.S.A.; Dean, Meadows School of the Arts, Southern Methodist University; education: Ph.D. (Musicology and Humanities), Stanford University, 1988-94; publications: The conductor and the score, The Cambridge companion to conducting, Teaching naked, etc.)