found: Presidential paralysis, 2000:label (Prof. Vik Amar) narration (prof. at Hastings School of Law)
found: Hastings WWW site, Dec. 13, 2000(Vikram Amar)
found: E-mail from Prof. Amar, Dec. 12, 2000(prefers to use Vikram Amar in publications)
found: AALS dir. of law teachers, 2004-2005(Amar, Vikram D.; b. 1963)
found: Global perspectives on constitutional law, 2009:t.p. (Vikram David Amar; Univ. of Calif. at Davis School of Law)
found: Constitutional law, 2009:t.p. (Vikram D. Amar)
found: OCLC, 7/09/2009(hdg.: Amar, Vikram D.; Amar, Vikram David; usage: Vikram D. Amar, Vikram David Amar.
found: Biog. resource center, Sept. 23, 2009(Vikram David Amar; b. Feb. 15, 1963, Walnut Creek, Calif.; JD, Yale U., 1988; prof. law, U. Calif. Hastings Coll. of Law, 1998)