Lowitz, G. M. (George Moritz), 1722-1774
Lowitz, George Moritz, 1722-1774
Lowizio, G. M. (George Moritz), 1722-1774
Lowiz, Georg Moriz, 1722-1774
Identifies LC/NAF RWO
Identifies RWO
Exact Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
found: Mappe monde qui represente les deux hemispheres savoir celui de l'Orient et celui de l'Occident, 1746:imprint (G. M. Lowitz)
found: Tooley's dict. of mapmakers, 1979:(Lowitz, or Lowizio, George Moritz; prof. of mathematics, 1722-1774; member of Homann Firm)
found: Beschreibung eines Quadrantens der zur Sternkunde und zu den Erdmessungen brauchbar ist, 1752:t.p. (Georg Moriz Lowiz)
Instance Of
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Collection Membership(s)
Change Notes
2001-03-07: new
2001-05-30: revised
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