found: Swiss organ music [SR] p2003:notes (Kammerorchester Basel; founded 1984; not the same as Basler Kammerorchester)
found: Handel, G.F. Lotario [SR] p2004:label (kammerorchesterbasel barock ["kammerorchester" in bold type, "barock" in italics]) insert (Kammerorchester Basel; Basel Chamber Orchestra; uses period instruments but does not specialize in baroque music)
found: Wikipedia, accessed March 31, 2016:Paul Sacher (He founded and conducted the Basler Kammerorchester (1926-1987)... Both the orchestra and choir gave their last performance in 1987. In 1984 the Serenata Basel was formed, with no direct connection to Sacher; they later adopted the name Kammerorchester Basel.)