found: Beethoven, L. van. Complete sonatas for cello and piano [SR] 197-:label (Walter Hautzig, piano)
found: Int ww in music, 8th(Hautzig, Walter; b. 9-28-1921, Vienna, Austria; pianist)
found: Musikkens hvem hvad hvor; biografier, 1961(Hautzig, Walter; b. Nov. 4, 1918, Austrian-American pianist)
found: New York times WWW site, viewed Feb. 6, 2017(in obituary published Feb. 4: Walter Hautzig; b. Sept. 28, 1921, Vienna; d. Monday [Jan. 30, 2017], Manhattan, aged 95; concert pianist who escaped from Nazi-occupied Vienna as a teenager armed with a fellowship from the Jerusalem Conservatory and went on to become a touring musical good-will ambassador)