Finkelthaus, Gottfried, 1614-1648
Finckelthaus, Gottfried, 1614-1648
G. F. (Gottfried Finkelthaus), 1614-1648
F., G. (Gottfried Finkelthaus), 1614-1648
GF (Gottfried Finkelthaus), 1614-1648
Identifies LC/NAF RWO
Identifies RWO
Exact Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
found: Harper, A.J. The song-books of Gottfried Finkelthaus, 1988:p. 3 (b. Feb. 23, 1614 in Leipzig) p. 7 (poet, d. Aug. 4, 1648)
found: Brockhaus(Finkelthaus, Gottfried)
found: Bibliothek der deutschen Literatur, Bibliographie und Register, 1995(Finckelthaus, Gottfried (1610-ca. 1647))
found: OCLC, April 12, 2002Head.: Finckelthaus, Gottfried, 1614-1648; Finckelthaus, Gottfried) usage (G. F.; M. G. F. L.)
Instance Of
Scheme Membership(s)
Collection Membership(s)
Change Notes
1992-06-05: new
2002-05-01: revised
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