found: Estudis sobre la Mallorca medieval (segles XIII-XVI), 1991:t.p. (Maria Barceló Crespí)
found: LC in RLIN, 11/2/94(MLC hdg.: Barceló Crespí, Maria)
found: Vida municipal i nova planta, 1994:t.p. (Maria Barceló Crespí) p. opp. t.p. (Maria Barceló) p. 5 (doctorate in history)
found: Davant la mort, 2019:t.p. (Maria Barceló Crespí) inside front cover (born 1951 in Porreres, Mallorca; lecturer in Medieval history at the Universitat de les Illes Balears; degree in history from Barcelona University; PhD in history from the Universitat de les Illes Balears)