found: Petri Aurelii theologi opera ..., 1642.
found: BN(Aurelius, Petrus, collective pseud. of Du Vergier de Hauranne, Jean, abbé de Saint-Cyran and Barcos, Martin de, abbé de Saint-Cyran)
found: Dictionnaire de biographie français, 1933-(s.v. Duvergier de Hauranne, Jean, D. the author of the works of Petrus Aurelius, but dictated them to his nephew, Martin de Barcos)
found: BM(Aurelius, Petrus, pseud. for Jean Duvergier de Hauranne)
found: Orcibal, J. Jean Duvergier de Hauranne ... 1947:v. 3, p. 148-151 (Martin de Barcos probably did the actual writing of the works of Petrus Aurelius, but the ideas and much of the expression came almost entirely from Duvergier de Hauranne; others may have contributed small portions to the works)